Wednesday, 3 April 2013

100 Pencil Portraits - Number 16

100 Pencil Portraits - Number 15

100 Pencil Portraits - Number 14

100 Pencil Portraits - Number 13

Jeff Bridges

100 Pencil Portraits - Number 12

Jimi Hendrix

100 Pencil Portraits - Number 11

100 Pencil Portraits - Number 10

After doing a few of these portraits, my friend Dan Harris saw them and asked if he could have his portrait done too. As well as being a friend, Dan’s also an awesome artist. He’s a comic book artist and co-creator of Lou Scannon, the Eagle Award finalist for Favourite British Black and White Comic 2012. Dan’s also a tattoo artist and runs Distinctive Tattoo with another friend of ours. I’ve really enjoyed doing this one and hopefully it does him justice. It’s always a bit daunting to do a portrait of a friend, let alone another artist, but he’s seen it and loves it! Thanks Dan, you rock too!
Dan’s Twitter: @baresark_artist