Wednesday, 3 April 2013

100 Pencil Portraits - Number 16

100 Pencil Portraits - Number 15

100 Pencil Portraits - Number 14

100 Pencil Portraits - Number 13

Jeff Bridges

100 Pencil Portraits - Number 12

Jimi Hendrix

100 Pencil Portraits - Number 11

100 Pencil Portraits - Number 10

After doing a few of these portraits, my friend Dan Harris saw them and asked if he could have his portrait done too. As well as being a friend, Dan’s also an awesome artist. He’s a comic book artist and co-creator of Lou Scannon, the Eagle Award finalist for Favourite British Black and White Comic 2012. Dan’s also a tattoo artist and runs Distinctive Tattoo with another friend of ours. I’ve really enjoyed doing this one and hopefully it does him justice. It’s always a bit daunting to do a portrait of a friend, let alone another artist, but he’s seen it and loves it! Thanks Dan, you rock too!
Dan’s Twitter: @baresark_artist 

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

100 Pencil Portraits - Number 2

100 Pencil Portraits

I've set myself a project for this year: to do 100 pencil portraits. Ok, so, to some people, thats not very much, (even I remember doing 50 multimedia faces in two weeks in college ) but it's just a way for me to regain some discipline and keep drawing, even when I don't feel like it, in between other things and work etc. I've gathered a file full of faces (I might do some from life later on, too) and I'm just trying to churn them out, not being too precious about it, and posting them all no mater how bad I think they are. Hopefully, by dong this over and over, with just the one medium, I’ll improve my drawing skills, become more fluid and make more interesting marks in my drawing. Another side effect I’m hoping for is, that I’ll get so bored of faces and pencils - two areas I’m way to comfortable in - I’l try something else, loosen up and experiment more.
So, here’s number 1...