Monday, 23 January 2012

Work in progress ...

Photos of my new work at different stages. Another sea inspired one, I was kind of going for a Medusa feel this time. Almost finished now, just have to make the tentacles more solid before I have a go at colour. I love doing these types of pictures with tons of detail - maybe I have OCD -but they can leave me feeling a bit burned out. I think I need to do some more quick expressive stuff for a while to recharge my batteries!

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Tentacles!!!!! They’re everywhere!!!!!


I finally seemed to have pulled myself out of a Christmas coma and done some drawing. It feels good to get things going again. Not sure what to call this one yet but it’s been inspired by my love of the sea, watching Miyazaki’s Ponyoover the holidays, the Greek goddess of the sea Thetis who could change shape, and my lovely Christmas present from my boyfriend, ‘Art Forms In Nature’ by Ernst Haeckel. I also haven’t quite decided on how I’m going to finish it but I will be putting up a cleaned up scan shortly.